Your freedom of information act privacy act request claim
Your freedom of information act privacy act request claim

You must contact these institutions directly to request records from them: Important note: The City of Toronto does not process FOI requests for records of other institutions including, but not limited to, those listed below. Specific exemptions are listed in the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act.

  • There are some exceptions to what you can obtain through the FOI process.
  • You may be contacted for clarification on the City records you are looking for.

    your freedom of information act privacy act request claim your freedom of information act privacy act request claim

  • You will receive a response within 30 days from the time you submit your request and non-refundable $5 application fee, unless a time extension is needed.
  • Additional fees are applicable for processing and photocopying.
  • A non-refundable $5 application fee is required to submit an FOI request.
  • If you are requesting information about a property, you should submit one request per municipal property address.
  • If you can, specify the type of information you are looking for such as, the dates for the information you are requesting and the City office or division that has the information you are requesting. This helps staff locate the information you are looking for.
  • Provide as much detail as possible about the records or information you are requesting.

  • Visit How to Access City Information or Records and review the list of Frequently Requested Records to see if the information you are looking for is already available by direct request to City Divisions.
  • Records available in paper format only cannot be obtained at this time.

    your freedom of information act privacy act request claim

    Time extensions may be needed to fulfill and respond to FOI requests.

  • Due to COVID-19, many City staff are working remotely and have limited access to their paper records.

  • Your freedom of information act privacy act request claim